I would love to hear from you! Either complete the contact for or call me on 07739 848168. The BEST time to catch me is between 8.00am and 9.30am before I start my client list. Failing that, please simply leave a message and I will call you back between clients as soon as I can. Or email visit@louisetildenbeautytherapy.co.uk

TO JOIN MY WAITING LIST – If you’re a new client and would like to be added to my waiting list, please complete the contact form here and give me the following details:

Your name

Your email address

Your contact phone number

Details of the treatment you’d like and when

Details of any medical conditions, allergies or medications you may take (including topical creams). This may affect your suitability for treatment.

Many thanks and I look forward to welcoming you as soon as I have capacity.