Waxing is my absoulute forte! I am extremely experienced and confident in the use of both strip and hot wax and strive to put you at ease within minutes. Waxing is about teamwork! I’ll guide you through it. All you need to do is ensure you’re suitable for waxing*, ensure your skin is prepped** and your hair is the right length before we start*** Absolutely no hair removal cream, epliating or shaving 3 weeks before your wax, or the result wont be worth your bother.
I work with Ashmira Botanica to bring you what I consider to be the best wax! The pre and post lotions and potions make this an real treat for your skin, and of course, no good wax treatment would be complete without a range of effective products for you to take home so you can continue to maximise on the benefits of your treatment. All our products are available right here AND they’re cruelty free, vegan friendly too.
My price list is created to be completely inclusive, irrespective of gender. I use anatomical terms for the purpose of ensuring I know what i’m doing and a guide on how much time I need to allocate for each treatment.
Waxing has been around for years, but has grown massively in popularity since the 1970’s. Waxing is no longer considered solely a female grooming ritual, and everyone**** is welcome for waxing treatments. Clients visit from all over the South West for their waxing with me.
The benefits of waxing are the removal of hairs from the root, which in turn makes the regrowth much slower. Once a regular growth pattern has been established, you can expect to enjoy a reduction in the rate of growth. The regrowth feels softer to touch than shaving, so you feel smoother for longer.
Clients new to waxing are invited to have a patch test to ensure their suitability and to discuss their needs. We use “peel-able/hot wax’ (resin) for very sensitive areas and strip wax for all other areas. The results are outstanding, client comfort is paramount and modesty maintained at all times. I pride myself on the quality of our products, and the pre and post wax aftercare and products are no exception.
Want to know about the nitty gritty? All the things you want to know but don’t want to ask? Click here
*Check you’re suitable for waxing – Not everyone is suited to waxing and there are a number of conditions to be mindful of, so ensure you inform Louise of ANY medical conditions, allergies or if you take ANY medication before you book. Check your skincare doesn’t contain AHA’s/retinol/peels/saliylic acid before booking. Discontinue these products at least 7 days prior to waxing as they can weaken the skin making it prone to grazing.
**Exfoliate and moisturise regularly between appointments. Ensure you exfoliate and moisturise the night before and on the day arrive with clean skin without moisturiser.
***If hair is too long it will tug as the wax is being applied. Please trim long hair to around 1/2 – 3/4 cm If the hair is too short it will not all come out, so ensure you stop shaving, epilating and using any other form of hair removal at least 3-4 weeks prior to get the best results.
****Everyone over the age of 16 (when accompanied by a parent/guardian). Any specialist waxes will only be offered to those over the age of 18. ID may be required.