I guess I was destined to be self-employed. I left home at 16 years of age, completed 2 years of full time education in Sixth Form while generally sofa-surfing and working two jobs to feed myself. Surviving seems to come naturally. It’s in my DNA. Even my name means “warrior”! This always makes me laugh, because I’m far from “punchy”!
I do believe in fairness and honesty, and I will definitely fight for what I believe in. Having been brought up in a very working-class household I had low expectations. We had a great tummy full of wholesome food and we were clean, but our clothes were our Christmas & Birthday Presents and great luxuries were pretty non-existent. I learned from a young age that if I wanted it, I had to earn it. This has been a lesson in life I will always thank my Mother for.
This manifested itself in a work ethic that’s hard to beat and I am exceptionally proud of. Simon (my Husband) often looks at me when I’m engrossed in my accounts, or writing my blog. He always makes lovely comments. My work doesn’t go unappreciated here.
And I’m not at all surprised I became a therapist! I tried lots of different things! I was a great high-jumper at school, with Hurdles and 200m as my next favourite events.. By my mid-teens I discovered music, and although I remember singing forever, I never really used my voice until I was 15, in the school band! Ha – that’s another story.
The school careers advisor made us all take a test to match us with a career – Mine said Physiotherapist! Well, it may have taken me a further 23 years to get there, but I got to be a therapist! I don’t think I have the brains for the physio bit! Level 3 A&P was hard enough!
I love looking after people. All through my hotel management days, I looked after people. Whether they were customers or staff, I looked after them. It’s what I love to do, and being a therapist enables me to offer that on a one-to-one basis with each and every client I meet or speak to on the phone.
There’s something especially wonderful about watching a client melt into my treatment couch when they’re having a massage or facial. They can often arrive hassled or stressed, with their shoulders closer to their ears than they ought to be! After a good few inhalations of carefully selected essential oils, some hot towels and the right ambience (cue the “plinky-plonk” music and candles) and the scene is set for a journey to peace and quiet-land. I watch clients “melt” into the couch. Their worries and troubles parked at the door. It’s a priviledge. I’m not sure even Tracy Haynes could have taught me this, but it’s definitely something i’ve developed over my 12 years of practice.
I avoid the news and negativity – I tell folk I live under a rock. It’s nice under here. Come join me some time 🙂
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